The primary elements of the roof structure are 1.1m high steel trusses spanning 29.5 m. On one side, the roof structure rests on a concrete parapet at the 2nd floor of a building and on the other side at the ground level. The distance between the main trusses are 10.4 m and 4.5 m respectively. Secondary beam are connecting the trusses. The roof is covered with 3-skin ETFE cushions. The cushions are fixed on the top of the primary and secondary steel structure.
The main elements of the vertical steel frame are the columns connected with horizontal beams.
On the first floor level there is a composite steel-concrete slab with dimensions 25.4x11.1 m. On one side, it is supported to the columns of the vertical framework and on the other side on a 25.4m span steel portal.
For the statical analysis of structure, a three-dimensional beam and plate model is made. The model contains all elements of the structure except the moving part of the roof, which is simulated by groups of concentrated forces.
The composite behavior of the first-floor slab is neglected and the composite plates and beams are treated as mutually connected rigid elements. There are 20 load combinations observed in the model.
Model preview: the model contains 4151 plate elements.![]()
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